Ingredients: Chlorine free wood pulp, mixture of plant-derived polysaccharide and sodium polyacrylate (absorbent pad), polylactide* (dryness layer), polypropylene and polyethylene (core wrap, liner layer, outer layer, cuff moisture barrier layer, fastening system), adhesives (seams and joints), polyisoprene elastomeric, polymer spandex and polyurethane (fastening system and leg/waist elastic), pigments**.
*Our absorbent core contains wood pulp, corn- and wheat- derived materials to reduce the use of non-renewable petrochemicals.
**The color of disposable diapers is typically achieved through the addition of pigments. This is also true for the brown layered materials in Seventh Generation Diapers.
Product Manufactured in: Ohio, USA
Ingredient Origins: USA and Globally Sourced
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